PMC 模板

社区 > PMC 模板

以下模板供 ActiveMQ PMC 使用


To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Subject: [DISCUSS] Invite <CANDIDATE> to become an ActiveMQ committer

Considering <CANDIDATE>’s contributions to the ActiveMQ project...<INSERT EVIDENCE HERE>

Based on this person's contributions above, I think we should invite <CANDIDATE> to become a committer.

Please remember that this is not a vote for this person to become a committer, at this point it is only a discussion.


To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Subject: [VOTE] Offer <CANDIDATE> to become an ActiveMQ committer

After positive discussion about <CANDIDATE>’s contributions to the project, I would like to initiate a formal vote.

Considering <INSERT EVIDENCE HERE> as raised in the discussion thread...

This vote will follow the ASF process for committer votes and consensus approval (at least three binding +1 votes and no vetoes)The vote will be open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Accept <CANDIDATE> as a committer of Apache ActiveMQ  
[ ] +0  
[ ] -1 Do not accept at this time because...


To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] Offer <CANDIDATE> to become an ActiveMQ committer.

This vote has been open for <X> days and is now closed with the following results:

* Number of +1s  
* Number of 0s  
* Number of -1s

The vote <passes|does not pass>.


Cc: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Subject: Invitation to become Apache Active committer

Hello <INVITEE>,

The Apache ActiveMQ Project Management Committee (PMC) hereby offers you committer privileges to the project. These privileges are offered on the understanding that you'll use them reasonably and with common sense. We like to work on trust rather than unnecessary constraints.

Being a committer enables you to more easily make changes without needing to go through the patch submission process. Although you will be granted commit access to project repositories, you will be expected to adhere to project best practices when committing. The following URL some good resources regarding expectations and processes:


This is a personal invitation for you to accept or decline in private. Please reply to the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) address only.

If you accept the invitation, the next step is to register an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) with the Apache Software Foundation if you have not already. Details of the ICLA and the forma can be found at the following URL:


The form provides instructions for its completion and submittal to the Secretary of the ASF.

When you submit the completed ICLA, please request to notify the Apache ActiveMQ project upon official receipt.Once your ICLA has been acknowledged by the Secretary, you will need to choose a unique ASF ID. You can check to see if your preferred id is already taken by browsing the following list of ASF committers:


When your ICLA is recognized by the Secretary, you will receive a follow-up message with the next steps for establishing you as a committer.

We look forward to your response!


一旦潜在提交者接受邀请并确认 ICLA(请查看以下 URL 确保已提交:,您可以使用以下方法找到 private@activemq 列表中的投票结果线程永久链接:需要身份验证)。

找到永久链接后,请使用帐户申请表申请新的 ASF 用户 ID:  如果列表中没有该姓名,请务必点击右下角的链接。


To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])  
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] New Apache ActiveMQ Committer <INVITEE>

On behalf of the Apache ActiveMQ PMC, I am very pleased to announce that <INVITEE> has accepted an invitation to become a committer. We greatly appreciate all of <INVITEE>'s hard work and generous contributions to the project. We look forward to <her/his> continued involvement in the project.

Welcome <INVITEE> and congratulations!


To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), <NEW COMMITTER>  
Subject: [committer]: What to do now that you're a committer?

<COMMITTER>, the ASF Infrastructure has set up your user account as the '<ASF USER ID>'.

To learn more about how the ASF works, please visit the following URL and read the items in the 'Committers and Contributors' section:


It is especially important to read through the New Committers Guide at the following URL:


Please ensure that you subscribed to the Apache ActiveMQ Developers mailing list [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). We also recommend subscribing to the users@ and commits@ mailing lists at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Please see the following page for more info about the mailing lists:

To push commits, ensure that you use HTTPS or SSH in your git remotes, or if you've been pulling from a mirror like Github, you'll need to add a remote such as:

$ git remote add apache [](

If you have any questions please ask on the dev@activemq list.

PMC 讨论

To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Subject: [DISCUSS] Invite <CANDIDATE> to join ActiveMQ PMC

Considering <CANDIDATE>’s contributions to the ActiveMQ project as a committer...


Based on this person's contributions above, I think we should invite <CANDIDATE> to become a committer.

Please remember that this is not a vote for this person to become a committer, at this point it is only a discussion.

PMC 投票

To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) 
Subject: [VOTE] Offer Apache ActiveMQ PMC Membership to <CANDIDATE>

After positive discussion considering <CANDIDATE>’s contributions as a committer, I would like to initiate a formal vote.


This vote will follow the ASF process for committer votes and consensus approval (at least three binding +1 votes and no vetoes)

The vote will be open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Accept <CANDIDATE> as a PMC member of Apache ActiveMQ  
[ ] +0  
[ ] -1 Do not accept at this time because...

PMC 邀请

Cc: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])  
Subject: Invitation to join the Apache ActiveMQ Project Management Committee

In recognition of your continued contributions to the project, the Apache ActiveMQ PMC has voted to offer you membership to the PMC. I am writing on behalf of the PMC to give you the opportunity to either accept or reject this offer by replying to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

In making your decision, please see the following URL for more information on PMCs:


If you have questions before making a decision, please let us know.

Apache、ActiveMQ、Apache ActiveMQ、Apache 羽毛标志和 Apache ActiveMQ 项目标志是 Apache 软件基金会的商标。版权所有 © 2024,Apache 软件基金会。根据 Apache 许可证 2.0 授权。